

Storytelling for Earthly Survival — ‘Survivance’ (Vizenor, TallBear, Todd, Povinelli) and the critiques of fetishizing of Indigenous techniques and strategies in contemporary art (O’Reilly)

Camille Stories, Children of Compost — Instructional. Multigenerational communities of intent. Queer, biotechnical

Elizabeth Povinelli

Rather we were to consider them dynamic personalities like any person or nonperson has a personality—they have a tendency to behave in certain ways but can also surprise a person. And so people sought out others they knew who had long experience with specific forms of existents like tjelbak or Bulgul; put their heads together in often competitive, status-enhancing, or diminishing conversations; and added up all the potential variables for why something might be doing something. This was then called a “joinimup story” in the local creole. (Geontologies 2016, p. 129)

Extinction Studies (2017)
Multiple temporalities and fruitful deaths. (p.10)

Michel Serres:

Biogia: Myth, folkstory, philosophy, autobiography, essay

Ursula K. Leguin:

Octavia Butler:

Queer, plant intelligence, other models of social behaviour

Michael Marder:

Plant intelligence ethics

Michael Pollen:

Botany of Desire – plant politics, how plants have shaped and controlled people


The Happening (Film)


Storying place

Having the story of a species etc

What is being attended to?/What is turning away?



Word cloud (Groys) / Democratising words (Marinetti)


Two Women Sitting Down, ‘turning away’


‘The drama of extinction’ as reflected in infrastructural projects

The National Park as national monument

UNESCO World Heritage as a museum


‘Critical tourism’

(Also in Keybase)


The spit as a political tool / instrument


See folder in Keybase Bibliothek

Ok a first thought and not at all developed but the local weathercocks are striking and unique. In an explanatory sign on the promenade it mentioned something about how local mysticism is founded on the unpredictability of the lagoon’s currents or weather. I thought this might be one possible starting gesture for the Society, to design our own weathercocks as a kind of mascot or icon. There is also a lasercutter here, which would be interesting to utilise, enabling us to do some complex designs. Might be something to think about for the Crystal Pavilion?


Plastic smog in the ocean
Watch Heather Davis here:

And also ‘Davis_ToxicProgeny_philoSOPHIA_2015’ in the Keybase Bibliothek

Re plastics entering the food chain. I think in the video Davis mentions the presence of micro-plastics in sea salt. Yesterday as I was setting up supplies, I forgot to buy salt. I found a little in the kitchen, but also thought…well we’re on a lagoon, I’ll try to extract some. Perhaps this can be put to use in the picnic, as a means to confront this form of toxicity? I tried extracting some today, it will take a fair bit more water than the litre or so I collected at ‘Terminal Beach’

I found a technique for extracting salt from seawater on a preppers’ blog about survival techniques for when ‘the shit hits the fan’ (TSHTF). LOL: Salt and Preppers.

Irony: I’m not sure if this is something Anna Tsing recalled, but around the time of her talk at HKW I heard anecdote about a family who lived near the forest in Ukraine. They would forage for mushrooms and berries to eat, except for one of the children who would only eat McDonalds or something similar. He was the only member of the family that did not develop cancer from consuming radioactive food.

Humour: Povinelli also mentions Aboriginal peoples’ use of humour to mediate horrific experiences. Something I learned of also in Mexico where it was confirmed to me that the narcos were crass, but also creative and often funny.

  • Catherine Malabou on Plasticity

* Also think about Povinelli’s discussion of ‘Toxic sovereignty’.

Pinar Yoldas, An Ecosystem of Excess:

So I asked: What would happen if life started in the ocean now? Which of course is happening anyway, since new life-forms are added to the world every day. What if new creatures emerged that could live off of plastics? I challenged myself to design a new ecosystem of plastics. Clearly I’m interested in synthetic biology as a methodology, and in where biology is headed. I see biology as ideology.

Through that device, I was able to talk about the fact that bottle caps are thought to kill 100,000 birds a month, or something like that. They are birds’ number-one enemy. I designed a turtle that eats balloons to talk about this phenomenon of balloon pollution in the Pacific, since it turns out turtles prefer to eat balloons. Each creature had a framework for talking about how organisms today are being affected by the plastisphere. So there’s a stomach that can digest sixteen types of plastics, and a kidney to talk about BPAs that leech into the sea.

I’m looking at these extremities where life is challenged in unforeseen ways thanks to the emergence of mankind. (vis-á-vis Life producing Life, Nonlife producing Nonlife re Povenelli)

The definition of design has to change. We need subversive objects to create a discourse, not to solve a problem.


Toxic Ecologies / Toxic Sovereignties:

cokecanreefdreaming Karrabing


Amber / Plastiglomerate

“As petroleum came to the relief of the whale,” stated one pamphlet advertising celluloid in the 1870s, so “has celluloid given the elephant, the tortoise, and the coral insect a respite in their native haunts; and it will no longer be necessary to ransack the earth in pursuit of substances which are constantly growing scarcer.”

The few minutes or days in which it might be used as a takeaway container, a lighter, or a toothpaste tube belies both the multimillion-year process of its making, and the tens of thousands of years it is expected to last before breaking down, finally, into its molecular compounds.

‘Mermaids tears’

‘Strange attractor’

…perhaps we can find in the chemical chains of synthetic polymers melded with the craggy scraps of sand a useful theoretical model of the molecular, in line with that of the plant-life rhizome (Deleuze and Guattari) that so dominated Anglo scholarship in the 1990s and 2000s.


According to Tsing, ‘eviscerated stomachs’ that break down minerals and enabled plants to migrate from water to land!