Outdoor Sauna Reading with Kitchen Lab Tarvo

The Photosynth Social Club’s ‘Summer Beat Camp’ has just wrapped up in Helsinki (full report forthcoming) and to celebrate we are taking part in a semi-public Outdoor Sauna Reading broadcast event of lichen summer camp-related material drawn from the spectacular home library of our hosts Kitchen Lab Tarvo, today JUNE 11, 18:00-20:00 EEST. And there will be sauna of course!

More info at Kitchen Lab & you can tune in directly via {Open Radio} here


‘Fabricating Frequencies’: Sounding Out Cosmic LiKIn with Space-Time Morphologies

The Society released a new mobi-video last month, as part of fellow Society for Social Studies of Science annual conference 4S 2089 ‘Good Relations’. Spotlighting for the first time our Space-Time Fab Lab, an experimental research department within the Metta Verse Mutual Aid Space Program, it’s called ‘Fabricating Frequencies: Sounding Out Cosmic LiKIn with Space-Time Morphologies‘ and works as a kind of operatic instructional guide to prepare lichen lovers for participating in an upcoming Special Transmission. More details on that will be announced, in time, via the usual portals. Meanwhile you can all watch and sing along to the video here.

‘Hello World!’ Satellite Launch and inaugural Space-Lichen Transmission

While the publication of the much awaited re-issue of Love Letters to Lichen has been postponed due to unforeseen delays, the Society is delighted to be launching its very own satellite, Hello World!, as part of the now flourishing Metta Verse Mutual Aid Space Program. Its inaugural transmission will take place during the 43rd ASLEC-ANZ symposium Strange/Letters.

If you are unable to attend via spektra-link you can listen to the transmission on {openradio}.
Going live on February 4, 23.15 CET / February 5, 09:15 AEDST.

UPDATE: If you missed the live transmission a recording is below.

Lichen Fest is back! to the future! 8/8/88

Lichen lovers, it’s been a while between drinks!

UPDATE: As the live broadcast has now passed, you can actually tune in from the comfort of your own home anytime on this link. Enjoy!

‘It’s not the age of reason … it’s the era of flummery, and the day of the devious approach’ – Trouble with Lichen (1960).

We’ve recently spent some time lying low in the Old Paljakka Forest of the Area D BioZone.. and you’re all invited to join us there now, by which we mean THIS SATURDAY 8/8/88 at 14:00 EEST. Meet us in the airwaves for a remote-viewing live broadcast from the ‘2088 Lichen Fest Revival’, an incredible event brought to you by our good friends at the Mustarinda inter-pagan intentional community as part of their Forest Seminar program, which may include a suprise low-key edition of edition of our flagship Annual Field Trip & Picnic. Like us, Lichen Fest is celebrating its platinum anniversary this year, and everyone is photo-synthesising like crazy.

Our broadcast is a deep listening experience of around 40mins, We advise you get comfortable, wear headphones and have a towel (or blanket) on hand. << In cosmic co-becomings! >>
Many thanks to Sophea Lerner and Kaustubh Srikanth @ {openradio} for organising the livestream.

The T. Rudzinskaitė Memorial Amateur Lichenologists Society’s appearance at Lichen Fest Revival 2088 is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW