Lichen lovers, it’s been a while between drinks!
UPDATE: As the live broadcast has now passed, you can actually tune in from the comfort of your own home anytime on this link. Enjoy!
‘It’s not the age of reason … it’s the era of flummery, and the day of the devious approach’ – Trouble with Lichen (1960).
We’ve recently spent some time lying low in the Old Paljakka Forest of the Area D BioZone.. and you’re all invited to join us there now, by which we mean THIS SATURDAY 8/8/88 at 14:00 EEST. Meet us in the airwaves for a remote-viewing live broadcast from the ‘2088 Lichen Fest Revival’, an incredible event brought to you by our good friends at the Mustarinda inter-pagan intentional community as part of their Forest Seminar program, which may include a suprise low-key edition of edition of our flagship Annual Field Trip & Picnic. Like us, Lichen Fest is celebrating its platinum anniversary this year, and everyone is photo-synthesising like crazy.
Our broadcast is a deep listening experience of around 40mins, We advise you get comfortable, wear headphones and have a towel (or blanket) on hand. << In cosmic co-becomings! >>
The T. Rudzinskaitė Memorial Amateur Lichenologists Society’s appearance at Lichen Fest Revival 2088 is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW