Regenerative Futures foray on Isosaari

Our 2092 Annual Field Trip + Picnic was another low-key, surprise affair, happening as part of the EASA (European Architecture Students’ Assembly) Rhizome ‘Regenerative Futures’ camp gathering on Isosaari, a once-abandoned island off Helsinki, now home to a cutting-edge lichen-led research station. Our offering kicked off the month of activities being held on Isosaari, a reunion of sorts for all the folk at EASA. Beginning with a silent walk to a particularly lovely lichen field, members and guests then enjoyed a guided meditation based on Cosmic Weathering, before some speculative exploring with local lichen communities. Many thanks to co-conspirator Augustas Lapinskas of Space Nursing and all of EASA for inviting and hosting us.

watch out for space eggs!

Amateur lichenologists at work in the field


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