Life vs Nonlife

Breathing (Carbon-based metabolism)

It is the larger, breathing drinking and perspiring public that is left out of the online chemistry lesson but is now an increasingly unavoidable factor in global life as every aspect of industrial based production and consumption is related back to the planetary carbon cycle … Indeed, the shift of scale entailed in the study of Anthropogenic climate change is what allows biologists to link the smallest unit of life and death to planetary life and death (the planetary carbon cycle). And this shift in scale allows the thought of extinction to scale up from the logic of species (species extinction) to planetary logic (planetary extinction).

(Povinelli 2016, pp. 42–43)


By way of toxicity in the smelting of mined Manganese, potentially sourced from the murder/desecration of Two Women Sitting Down.

Life and Nonlife breathe in and breathe out. Amd if Nonlife spawned Life, a current mode of Life may be returning the favour. (p. 44)


Spoiler alert!

The event of becoming might have been the claim that Two Women Sitting Down did not die, was not murdered and was not desecrated. What she did was turn her back on the world as it is being organised by becoming something that will potentially extinguish that world and the way we exist in it. (p, 56)

Thus, leading onto the politics of making such claims.


Mushroom as a ‘figure’ between Nonlife and Life.


  • also disappearing knowledges that correspond with disappearing species
  • No Utopia (a modernist dream) Towards survivance, but must think through this carefully – heterotropia (Foucault), ‘futurology of the present’ (Cuevas-Hewitt)
  • (Relates to history of PT, in that clinics would develop ‘socials’ that people were reluctant to leaveo

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